Some spoke
blasphemous, sacrilegious things about the movie and its content, while others
saw it as sacred. It impacted all who saw it one way or another, shocked by the
graphic portrayal of the suffering and death of Jesus the Messiah. Many were
moved to great emotion both during and following their viewing of it, and it took
a personal toll on the director-producer and the star who portrayed Jesus.
Similar reactions
can be seen in the account of Matthew 27:27-56. My question is, what follows the reaction? What impact lasts beyond the reaction?
Unless it is understood, a person may be left with unresolved questions—What
does it all mean? What makes this so significant? This story needs to be
heard by the heart.
My wife and I have
collected many stories over the years, while ministering in the Philippines and
working with abandoned babies and children, and abused girls. Each child, young
or old, has a story. Some stories are intensely heart wrenching. Freddy’s saga is
an incredible story of neglect, tragedy, and disappointment, with an
extraordinary resolve.
Freddy is one of
three brothers who came to Rainbow Village. His older brother, Wilmer, was deaf
and could not speak clearly. Both the younger brothers spoke with the same
guttural, indistinguishable sounds as the oldest. When the brothers came to us,
they were quarantined for a week out of concern for infectious hepatitis. Their
father died of hepatitis after their young mother abandoned them. Their elderly
grandparents cared for them the best they could, but locked them inside a small
nipa hut all day as they went to work.
These boys had
never seen white-skinned people before our family, nor electricity or indoor
plumbing, and were unprepared for living in a clean, stable environment. They
were scared, terrified, and they freaked out! Thankfully, we all
survived that first week.
Not long after they
arrived, we discovered the oldest brother had a major heart problem that required
surgery we could not afford on missionary support. Amazingly, God provided the
means for the surgery. It was successful, but there was a long recovery, and only
a few months afterwards, a tragic fire swept through our new building. Freddy’s
two brothers were among five children lost in that fire. We were all
devastated, but Freddy had lost his only family.
Within a month
after the fire, an Australian mission team arrived to help with the rebuilding
process. One of the Aussie’s had taken a real liking to Freddy and believed he
and his wife were to adopt him. Because Freddy was older (five years at that
time), the Australian government wouldn’t allow a normal adoption. It’s a long
convoluted story, but the only workable solution required Helen and Ferg to move
to the Philippines for processing the adoption.
They were
committed to it, so Ferg sold his business, moved his family to Dumaguete City,
and worked alongside us for a couple years. Ferg and Helen were a great blessing,
as friends and coworkers, but the adoption hit another snag. The Australian
government was still unwilling to accept their case because of bureaucratic red
tape. They were disconsolate and moved back to their home in Australia with
their hearts torn out, as was Freddy’s.
Because Freddy’s
had gone on so long, the adoption board insisted on matching him with a family,
even if the family was not a great match. Freddy was excited—at long last he
would have a family of his own! The wait was excruciating for him, for all of
us. Finally the day came for his family to arrive, but the union did not go
well. Nevertheless, Freddy put his best smile on and went off with the family,
leaving his Rainbow Village family and home.
Less than two
weeks later, the mother decided she didn’t want Freddy. Although rare, failed
adoptions happen. Once again, Freddy was devastated. He was kept in Manila for
therapy and placement, but we prevailed for his return to Rainbow with much
pleading and intercession. Freddy returned, but a noticeable sadness and
disappointment lingered in his heart.
One day, Susan sat
on our porch watching the children play in the yard. Freddy ran up to her,
handed her a crumpled paper, and ran back off to play. Scrawled on the paper
Freddy had written, “I miss my mommy, my daddy, my lolo and lola (grandpa and
grandma), Jesan and Wilmer (his brothers).”
Susan’s heart sank
as she wondered, “How can I encourage him, Lord?” The story of Job came to
mind, so she searched through the children’s Bible storybooks she had, but
couldn’t find Job’s story—it’s not the usual child’s story. Eventually she
found a readable version to share with Freddy. He listened to Job’s story of
loss, injustice, and grief followed by great restoration. He turned to Susan
and asked, “Does this mean I’ll have my own mommy and daddy and family again?”
“Yes! Yes,” Susan
exclaimed! Freddy ran off all smiles with simple trust in this promise.
Soon Freddy was
his usual charming and mischievous self, as he grew through puberty. And yet
another twist in the story came, as if scripted for a movie. At a conference, the
head of adoptions in Australia met the head of the international adoption board
of the Philippines. Freddy’s case came up and they began to work on a
solution—surely there was a way to legally place this young man with a family
who loved him and never gave up on him. Amazingly, after much heartache and
loss, Freddy had a family!
It was quite the
reunion when Ferg and Helen traveled from Australia! Everyone at Rainbow was
thrilled, though a little sad to say goodbye after so many years. We had a
great sending off party, and Freddy and his folks have since returned for several
visits. It is a remarkable story of hope lost and restored. Of course, there
are many questions as to why God allowed so many roadblocks along the
way? But, God had a plan all along.
What's going on in your life story? Are you wondering if God has a plan at work, or does it seem like your life is a random set of circumstances? Nothing takes God by surprise, though we are often unsettled by what takes place in our lives. Faith requires trust. Faith enables us to see beyond circumstances to see God's hand at work (Hebrews 11:1, 6).
This is another excerpt from the book to be published soon.
Each child that comes to Rainbow Village
is under our care through the authority of the Philippine government’s Dept. of
Social Welfare Development. Each child has a case file that tracks their life
until they are adopted or reunited with their biological family.
1 comment:
This really touched my heart about Freddy. Life is hard and it doesn't make sense to us sometimes. I'm sure he will continue to face the complexity about his circumstances growing up. Yet the Lord is very aware of Freddy and countless others who prevail. God is faithful and our Hope is in HIM. Helen and Ferg and Susan and Trip have been used to be a terrific example of Jesus s love and tender care to children.
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